Disney’s The Jungle Book

The Characters


Mowgli is a young boy who was raised in the jungle by a family of wolves.  The jungle was a safe place until Shere Khan, a tiger that hates humans came to there part of the jungle.  Mowgli's friend Bagheera wanted to return the man cub back to the village.  Baloo another animal friend thought that it was better if he stayed in the jungle.  At the end of the story Mowgli defeated Shere Khan by mans red fire which is fire.  


Baloo is the bear of the jungle.  He is the fun character that likes to party and relax.  He is Mowgli's best friend in The Jungle Book.


Bagheera is the panther of the jungle.  This particular character is not a villain even though he seems dangerous because he is a panther.  He is concerned for the safety of the man cub (Mowgli).  It was his job from the beginning of the movie to help Mowgli from birth.  There a difference in each of the animals accents.  Bagheera has more of a proper, richer British accent.

Shere Khan

Shere Khan is one of the villains.  He also has more of a rich British accent then others maybe because he is more powerful then others in the jungle.  He wants to kill all humans because his mind is set that they will all grow up to hunt. 


Kaa is the python in the trees.  He pops out of no were and hypnotizes his pray with his eyes.  He does not have a specific role in the movie except to slither in the trees of the jungle.

King Louie

King Louie is the king of the monkeys and chimpanzees.  Unlike others, this  gorilla has a African-American accent.  It is allot different then the rest of the characters.  They have a song called "I Wan'na Be Like You".  He sang this song to Mowgli which implies that he wants to be something else besides a African-American.


The Vultures are silly birds in The Jungle Book.  They are not villains or the hero.  They are put there to make the audience laugh with their silly hair cuts and different personalities in each vulture. 

The Girl

The Girl at the end called Shanti in The Jungle Book 2 is the only girl besides the mother wolf that took care of Mowgli.  She shows up before Mowgli enters the village.  The man cub was mesmerized to the girl, it was his push to leave the jungle.  It was her fault that ended The Jungle Book.  She took Mowgli away from Baloo and Bagheera.