Disney’s The Jungle Book

Discussion and Conclusion

There is a lot of opinions on how animals in this movie is looked at and the subtle messages given.  The out come of this is that children are learning to compare animals to humans, like gorillas to African Americans.  The Jungle Book presents a ‘natural’ world, like all of his others, where animals are treated as objects or as 'people'. They have no species life of their own; they are just objectified for the mimicry of humanity.”(Bowden 4). 
It is not just comparing animals to humans but giving animals human qualities.  “In many animated films -- from Lion King to Jungle Book -- vultures come across as silly, stupid, opportunistic birds.”  (Mangat 1).  This is how children will often look at birds or vultures, silly and stupid.  The jungle book might not have many subliminal messages shown but there are still some.  The other thing that children might not realize but there is only men main characters.  Towards the end, one girl shows up to take Mowgli to the village.  It is women roles in movies like this that is sexist. “When a female of the man–cub’s own species finally appears at the end of the film, she is diminished, housework orientated and apart from singing singularly bereft of conversation.”  (Bowden 3).  The last thing that I realized was something from one of the song lyrics.  "Cause let me tell you something little britches" is like saying a curse word.  It was not necessary to put britches in this lyrics because they have an infinite amount of words to pick from.  Since britches sounds like bitches, children might think it is okay to say this word.  Even though the definitions of britches and bitches not similar, the wording is really close to each other.  This project showed me that there are subliminal messages in the media that people don't see or hear.  It influences us in the future on how we act and how we are with the relationships with others.  It was interesting to me to find that there is more messages then I ever expected.  I liked this hunt to find these messages.