Disney’s The Jungle Book

I Wan'na Be Like You

“The Jungle Book, whether consciously contrived or not, that gets the liberal antennae twitching. Louis Prima, although Italian, sings like a black and his monkey-man ("I wanna be like you...") routine is rather disturbing.” (Bowden 2)

“According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, children between 2 and 5 of age start to become aware of race, ethnicity, gender and disabilities. They can accurately identity “Black” and “White” when labeling pictures, dolls and people.”  (Brunette 1)

“There have been many instances of racism identified in Disney movies including The Jungle Book(1967)  which portrays gorillas and orangutans that sound like black people and Oliver and Company.”

My Observation: I Wan'na Be Like You

This song was chosen by me because it involves what the monkeys say.  They speak in a African-American accent for the first part.  It is very odd how they don't have a British accent like the rest of the animals.  I heard from people who are racist  say that gorillas are like African-Americans.  I wounder were they got that from, maybe from The Jungle Book.  Another thing that King Louie, the king of the monkeys said that they want to be like humans.  This is maybe because African-Americans were not treated equivalent as regular human beings.